- L. Capitaine, J. Bigot, R. Thiébaut, R. Genuer, Fréchet random forests for metric space valued regression with non euclidean predictors, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 25(355):1-41 (2024) [pdf]
- C. Ségalas, C. Helmer, R. Genuer, C. Proust-Lima, Functional principal component analysis as an alternative to mixed-effect models for describing sparse repeated measures in presence of missing data, Statistics in Medicine, 43(26):4899-4912 (2024) [doi] [preprint pdf]
- A. Devaux, R. Genuer, C. Proust-Lima, Random Forests for time-fixed and time-dependent predictors: The DynForest R package, arXiv:2302.02670, submitted (2023) [pdf]
- P. Catoire, R.Genuer, C.Proust-Lima, Causal inference from observational data in emergency medicine research, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 30(2):67-69 (2023) [doi]
- A. Devaux, C. Helmer, R. Genuer, C. Proust-Lima, Random survival forests with multivariate longitudinal endogenous covariates, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(12):2331-2346 (2023) [doi] [preprint pdf]
- A. Devaux, R. Genuer, K. Pérès, C. Proust-Lima, Individual dynamic prediction of clinical endpoint from large dimensional longitudinal biomarker history: a landmark approach, BMC Med Res Methodol 22:188 (2022) [doi] [pdf]
- L. Capitaine, R. Genuer, R. Thiébaut, Random forests for high-dimensional longitudinal data, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 30(1):166-184 (2021) [doi] [preprint pdf]
- M. Chavent, R. Genuer, J. Saracco, Combining clustering of variables and feature selection using random forests, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 50(2):426-445 (2021) [doi] [preprint pdf]
- R. Genuer, J.-M. Poggi, Random Forests with R, Use’R!, Springer (2020) [link] [book site]
- R. Genuer, J.-M. Poggi, Les forêts aléatoires avec R, Presses Universitaires de Rennes (2019) [link] [book site]
- R. Genuer, J.-M. Poggi, Arbres CART et Forêts aléatoires, Importance et sélection de variables, In Apprentissage Statistique et Données Massives, Maumy-Bertrand M., Saporta G. et Thomas Agnan C. (eds), Technip, p. 295-342 (2018) [link]
- M. Tabue-Teguo, L. Grasset, J.A. Avila-Funes, R. Genuer, C. Proust-Lima, K. Péres, C. Féart, H. Amieva, M. González-Colaço Harmand, C. Helmer, N. Salles, M. Rainfray, J.-F. Dartigues, Prevalence and Co-Occurrence of Geriatric Syndromes in People Aged 75 Years and Older in France: Results From the Bordeaux Three-city Study, The journals of gerontology. Series A 73(1):109-116 (2018) [doi]
- L. Zago, P.-Y. Hervé, R. Genuer, A. Laurent, B. Mazoyer, N. Tzourio-Mazoyer, M. Joliot, Predicting hemispheric dominance for language production in healthy individuals using support vector machine, Human Brain Mapping 38(12):5871–5889 (2017) [doi]
- R. Genuer, J.-M. Poggi, C. Tuleau-Malot, N. Villa-Vialaneix, Random Forests for Big Data, Big Data Research, 9:28-46 (2017) [doi] [preprint pdf]
- R. Genuer, J.-M. Poggi, Arbres CART et Forêts aléatoires, Importance et sélection de variables, arXiv:1610.08203 (2016) [pdf]
- S. Arlot, R. Genuer, Comments on: « A Random Forest Guided Tour » by G. Biau and E. Scornet, TEST 25(2):228-238 (2016) [doi] [preprint pdf] [article by Biau and Scornet]
- R. Genuer, J.-M. Poggi, C. Tuleau-Malot, VSURF: An R Package for Variable Selection Using Random Forests, The R Journal 7(2):19-33 (2015) [pdf]
- S. Arlot, R. Genuer, Analysis of purely random forests bias, arXiv:1407.3939 (2014) [pdf]
- R. Genuer, Variance reduction in purely random forests, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 24(3):543-562 (2012) [doi] [preprint pdf]
- R. Genuer, J.-M. Poggi, C. Tuleau-Malot, Variable selection using Random Forests, Pattern Recognition Letters 31(14):2225-2236 (2010) [doi] [preprint pdf]
- R. Genuer, V. Michel, E. Eger, B. Thirion, Random Forests based feature selection for decoding fMRI data, Proceedings of the 19th COMPSTAT p. 1071-1078 (2010) [preprint pdf]
- R. Genuer, I. Morlais, W. Toussile, Gametocytes infectiousness to mosquitoes: variable selection using random forests, and zero inflated models, arXiv:1101.0344 (2010) [pdf]
- R. Genuer, J.-M. Poggi, C. Tuleau, Random Forests: some methodological insigths, arXiv:0811.3619 (2008) [pdf]